Loy Real Estate & Auction
Our Family Serving Your Family Since 1955

Free Market Analysis
Our professional team will personally view your property and give you an honest property value and insights on selling your property.
Property Showing
Throughout many years of providing Property Showing services to clients, our team has gained the experience and expertise necessary to make it as efficient as possible. If you have any questions, just reach out and we’ll be happy to give your further details.
Full Consultation
Real estate decisions can be difficult and complicated, which is why it’s important to take an informed approach. With our popular Full Consultation service, you can count on us to guide you through every step of the process.

Personal Property and Real Estate Appraisal
Our team will come onsite to view personal property or real estate for auction
Auction Services
We provide full auction service which includes: boxing up, hauling, set up, and marketing your property to ensure that you get top dollar on auction day.
Auction Settlement
At the conclusion of the auction, our financial team will explain your detailed records and you will be paid with a business check from the proceeds of your personal property that same day!